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A message from the General Manager

What's happening?

To deliver our community’s vision for our beautiful Shire, including securing a positive future for our coming generations that is liveable, sustainable, productive and collaborative, it is essential that we have sound financial foundations and continue to spend only within our means.

A recent review of our Long Term Financial Plan identified, among other high priority actions, a need to consider applying to the NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) for a Special Rate Variation (SRV).

An SRV is a common way for local councils to change the rates residents and businesses pay in order to fund future community needs.

Rates would rise by 8.5% in 2023/24, 7.5% in 2024/25, 6.5% in 2025/26 and 5.5% in 2026/27, which represents an increase of 31.05% (cumulative) staged over four years, including the annual rate peg set by IPART.

We are consulting you, the community, about this rise in rates which will allow us to maintain the high levels of service that you have come to expect and resource projects to address what you have told us are your long-term priorities.

What you have told us is important

What would this mean for me?

IPART determines a percentage by which councils can increase their rates each year. This is known as a ‘rate peg’. Our forecasted calculations show that even with this annual rate peg increase, it will not be sufficient to achieve our collective objectives.

We are looking to apply for an increase of 28 percent staged over four years (31.05% cumulative) – including the forecasted rate peg – as follows:

For residents currently paying our average rate, this would mean an increase of $2.07 a week in the first year. For business ratepayers, the weekly increase on the average rate would be $3.97 in the first year.

The table below gives an indication of the average annual rates likely to be experienced by residential and business ratepayers with and without the SRV.

Residents in the Hornsby Shire local government area traditionally pay lower rates than the average rates of other councils in the Northern Sydney region and than NSW councils in the same category as ours.

View the comparison tables

Thank you for your input. The feedback period closed on Tuesday, 8 November 2022.