Planning for our future

Strategic alignment – Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020 and Housing Strategy 2020

Improve strategic planning, including developing the Pennant Hills Town Centre Master Plan and Place Plan

Following completion of NorthConnex, traffic on Pennant Hills Road and surrounding local roads will ease and there will be opportunities for different types of land uses and business investments, improved amenity, and opportunity for alternative modes of transport.

Pennant Hills Town Centre requires revitalisation and renewal, and a review of the Pennant Hills Road Corridor between Pennant Hills and Thornleigh will be undertaken.

The Hornsby Community Strategic Plan, the Hornsby Local Strategic Planning Statement, the Employment Land Study and the Housing Strategy all identify the revitalisation of the Pennant Hills Town Centre, urban growth opportunities and the potential to leverage the investment in NorthConnex in Pennant Hills and along the Pennant Hills Road Corridor.

Additional funding through an SRV will enable Council to prepare a revised master plan and investigate potential placed-based opportunities aimed at improving the amenity and public spaces for local residents.