• Update

    Leases for the four air quality monitoring stations have exchanged for the period 1 June 2023 to 31 May 2024.

    There is an option for Transport for NSW to extend these leases for a further 12 months to 31 May 2025.

    If the options are not exercised, then the leases will expire, and stations will be removed from our Parks.

What's happening

Effective from 1 June 2018 Council exchanged Leases which allowed the former NSW Roads and Maritime Services to install Air Quality Monitoring Stations within the following public reserves for a period of up to five years:

  • James Park – 1X Lowe Road, Hornsby
  • Brickpit Park – 1A Dartford Road, Thornleigh
  • Headen Park – 37X Duffy Avenue, Thornleigh
  • Jaycee Park – 1X Carden Avenue, Wahroonga

These public reserves are “Community Land” and agreements exchanged with the RMS were therefore subject to compliance with Section 47A of the Local Government Act 1993. The required Public Notice of the proposed Leases was given and there were no objections.

The Leases expired on 31 May 2023 and the stations were to be decommissioned, removed and the park grounds remediated. Transport for NSW has now lodged applications to extend the Leases for 12 months up to a maximum period of two years.

Notice is hereby given that Council proposes to agree to the requested extensions.

Plans showing the location of each air quality monitoring station within the parks are in the document library.

If you wish to provide comments on the proposal, please title your submission “Air Quality Monitoring Stations”.

Have your say in three ways:

  • completing the form below
  • emailing hsc@hornsby.nsw.gov.au
  • writing to the General Manager, Hornsby Shire Council, PO Box 37, Hornsby 1630.

Exhibition closes: Friday, 18 August 2023.