Wollundry Park, Pennant Hills Playground Upgrade – Construction Complete

The Wollundry Park playground, Pennant Hills reopened on Friday, 26 July 2024.

The playground upgrade includes:

  • New playground equipment including, large play tower with monkey bars, play unit for younger children, tiny town, 3 bay swing, carousel and nature play items
  • New playground fence
  • New park furniture
  • New pedestrian paths
  • Planted garden beds

Other improvements made include:

  • High pressure wash of all paths
  • Refurbishment of all seats
  • Pruning of vegetation

Wollundry completed park

And the winner is....

Option 1 - the Nursery Rhyme themed playground.

Thank you to the almost 500 people who voted on their preferred option for the playground design at Wollundry Park.

The nursery rhyme theme (Option 1) received 53.6% of the votes and will therefore be the design that will be constructed for the playground.

In response to community feedback, some minor changes have been made to the design including:

  • retaining the fun / bright colour scheme at ground level and slowly transitioning to a more 'natural' colour palate for the taller pieces
  • increasing the play provision for older kids by redesigning the play tower and including monkey bars to provide more challenging play opportunities
  • amending the toddler unit to include an open double slide with stepped platform access, to allow toddlers to play independently, as well as a shop front underdeck for role play.

View the Consultation Report - April 2024

Construction is scheduled to commence in mid-2024 and be completed by mid to late 2024.

The Proposal

In late 2023, Wollundry Park playground at Pennant Hills was damaged by vandalism, resulting in the playground equipment being unusable by the community.

Since then, we have worked with two play equipment manufacturers to develop two different options for the playground and we now need your help to decide which one is the best for the Wollundry Park playground.

All feedback received during consultation will be reviewed and used to inform the final playground upgrade.

Both concepts include:

  • new equipment for kids of all ages
  • accessible and inclusive elements
  • fully fenced playground
  • retaining existing mature trees, which provides extensive shade coverage to the playground
  • new seating and picnic shelter
  • new drinking fountain
  • rubber softfall surfacing.

Which concept do you prefer?

What do you think? - closed

You are welcome to provide any comments on the Wollundry Park playground upgrade in two easy ways:

1. Meet us at the playground

Come chat with us about the concept designs at Wollundry Park, 64 Yarrara Rd, Pennant Hills.

  • Saturday 2 March, 10am to 11am

2. Share your thoughts

  • complete the Feedback Form below
  • email hsc@hornsby.nsw.gov.au
  • write to the General Manager, Hornsby Shire Council, PO Box 37, Hornsby 1630 marked ‘Wollundry Park Playground'.

Comments close: Monday, 11 March 2024.

Feedback Form