The project is now complete. Street lighting upgrade to follow
What's happening
In June 2023, Council advertised a proposal to install a pedestrian crossing in Romsey Street, Waitara.
Following a review of traffic data and feedback received during exhibition the design has been modified to include a raised threshold at the pedestrian crossing.
The aim of this project is to
- Provide a linkage for residential buildings on western side of Romsey Street (No 23-27) to/from Orara Street Park (33-37 Orara Street, Waitara)
- Assist pedestrians to cross Romsey Street safely, especially the elderly, mobility impaired, and school children.
- Reduce traffic speed by installing the raised threshold, narrowing the roadway with kerb blisters and traffic islands
- Reduce vehicle trips and encourage walking by providing a pedestrian-friendly environment.
This modified design with the raised pedestrian crossing was referred to the Local Traffic Committee (LTC) in December 2023 for consideration and was approved.
The LTC Report and summary of submissions can be accessed in the Document Library.
Council invites your comments on the modified proposal.
Construction is tentatively scheduled to commence in late May 2024 and expected to take approximately 4 weeks to complete, weather permitting.
Take a look at the updated design plans in the Document Library and comment by:
- completing the form below
- emailing
- writing to the General Manager, Hornsby Shire Council, PO Box 37, Hornsby 1630.
Submissions can be marked “Romsey Street Waitara – Proposed Raised Pedestrian Crossing - Reference F2004/09844.
Exhibition closes: Friday, 3 May 2024