
Hornsby Shire Council is in receipt of a draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) relating to land at 90-92 Franklin Road, Cherrybrook for the demolition of structures, tree removal, civil works, Torrens title subdivision of one lot into ten lots including one lot for road widening.

The draft VPA is a proposed legal agreement between the Council and the landowner. The agreement provides for the timely delivery of civil road and drainage works on the part of the Land reserved for Local Road at John Road and Franklin Road, Cherrybrook.

The draft VPA and other relevant material will be on public exhibition from Thursday, 22 June 2023 to Thursday, 20 July 2023 and can be inspected in electronic format via the links in the Document Library.

Written comments on the draft VPA are invited. All submissions received by Council will be considered before a final decision on the proposal is made.

Public Exhibition Period: Thursday 22 June 2023 - Thursday 20 July 2023

Submissions close: 4.30pm, Thursday 20 July 2023.

Have Your Say

Have your say in three ways:

  • completing the form below
  • emailing
  • writing to the General Manager, Hornsby Shire Council, PO Box 37, Hornsby 1630.