Byles Creek Planning Proposal

Council exhibited changes to planning controls in the Hornsby Local Environmental Plan 2013 (Hornsby LEP) to protect the unique environmental, social and aesthetic qualities of the Byles Creek Study Area and to minimise the impacts of residential development on the natural environment. The exhibition was held between 18 August 2023 and 15 September 2023.

The Study Area is located north-east of Beecroft train station and is bound by Azalea Grove and Kurrajong Street to the north, Lane Cove National Park to the east, Malton Road to the south and Sutherland Road to the west.

The changes to planning controls involve the following:

  1. Rezoning all R2 low-density residential land within the Study Area to C4 environmental living,
  2. Increasing the minimum subdivision lot size for rezoned land within the Study Area from 600sqm to 40ha,
  3. Amending subdivision objectives to protect bushland and significant native vegetation, and
  4. Mapping the riparian corridor within the Study Area and inserting a new additional local provision that must be considered when developing on riparian land.

Draft amendments to the Hornsby Development Control Plan 2013 were also exhibited to align its controls with the proposed Hornsby LEP changes.

Key Documents