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    All submissions will be considered in the preparation of the report to Council.

Answers to your Public Hearing queries

We have heard from the community that there is some confusion about the purpose and format of the Public Hearing planned for the Westleigh Park Draft Plan of Management (PoM).

The format of a Public Hearing held for a Plan of Management is different from those associated with planning panel matters or Town Hall type meetings.

Ahead of the Public Hearing on 4 April 2023, we wanted to provide some additional information. Click on the questions below.

What is a Plan of Management?

A Plan of Management (PoM) is a document that provides Council with a clear framework for the use and management of all 'Community Land'.

A Plan of Management must:

  • identify the important features of the land (i.e. natural significance, sportsgrounds etc)
  • establish how Council will manage the land
  • indicate how the land may be used or developed (i.e. leasing, licencing etc).

The Westleigh Park draft PoM contains two parts:

Part 1: Key objectives for the community, land categories and Councils management goals.
Part 2: The Action Plan.

The Action Plan has been developed to support the management goals for the proposed developments of Westleigh Park. It provides details on how objectives and performance targets will be implemented and outcomes managed into the future.

The Action Plan is the working section of the document and as such will be amended as actions are completed or revised in response to changing community needs and aspirations.

Why do we need a Plan of Management for Westleigh Park?

Council must prepare Plans of Management (PoM) for all land that is classified as ‘Community Land’ within its ownership, care, control and/or management. It governs the way 'Community Land’ is used and managed.

Westleigh Park was acquired by Hornsby Shire Council in 2016 from Sydney Water. The land is classified as community land in accordance with the Local Government Act (LG Act), 1993.

In line with the requirements of the LG Act, we have prepared a draft PoM to establish an appropriate character and scale for the development and management for Westleigh Park. The draft PoM will enable the construction of new open space facilities at Westleigh Park to commence, and will help identify a program of development and ongoing maintenance works.

Community land within Westleigh Park is proposed to be categorised as:

  1. Sportsground
  2. Natural Area (Bushland)
  3. General Community Use.

The draft PoM for Westleigh Park supports the delivery of the Master Plan. If you would to find out more about the draft Master Plan please visit the project page.

Have your say - closed

Have your say on the Westleigh Park draft Plan of Management by:

  • completing the submission form below
  • writing to Hornsby Shire Council, PO Box 37 Hornsby, NSW 1630 marked Westleigh Park Draft Plan of Management
  • emailing:
  • attending the Public Hearing on Tuesday, 4 April 2023.

Submissions closed: Sunday, 23 April 2023.

Submission Form – Draft Plan of Management