Stage 1 works scheduled to commence in July 2024
Thank you to those people who provided comments on the proposed public domain upgrades in December 2023.
Overall, proposals were supported by the majority of respondents and some amendments have made based on the community feedback we received.
There was a lot of positive feedback on the street trees and planting works as well as the environmental initiatives.
For more details please visit the project page on our website.
View the Community Engagement Outcomes Report.
What's happening
We are proposing to upgrade paths and roadside verges along the Pacific Highway corridor between Asquith and Mt Colah. Stage 1 of the work is proposed to commence in 2024 with upgrades on the western side of the Highway between Amor Street in Asquith and Yirra Road in Mt Colah. See the map below.
In some locations, marked in orange on the map below, developers will construct footpaths as part of their DA Consent Conditions. In other locations, Council will arrange for paths to be replaced in 2024. These sections are in yellow in the map below and in the Scope of works.
Objectives of the project include:
- provide aesthetic, functional and environmental uplift that accounts for population growth
- provide improved and safer options for walking and cycling along the Pacific Highway corridor, with links to retail and recreation destinations.
The project is substantially funded by Section 7.11 and 7.12 Development Contributions in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act and Regulation. Where higher density housing has been permitted, this enables upgrades that account for higher levels of use due to population growth and that can afford facility, amenity and environmental improvements.
Stage 1 Scope of works
Click on the 'hotspots' to see what's proposed and links to artist impressions. For further details see the Document Library.
Have your say
You are invited to review the Concept Plans and associated documents in the Library on the right side of this page and provide feedback by:
- completing the form below
- emailing
- writing to the General Manager, Hornsby Shire Council, PO Box 37, Hornsby 1630.
Please title your submission ‘Asquith to Mt Colah Upgrades – Stage 1’.
Exhibition closes: Friday, 15 December 2023.