What's happening

Council has received a request from Cowan Public School to provide parking restrictions in Chandler Avenue to accommodate the school bus and a drop off / pick up zone.

Following an initial meeting with Cowan Public School and discussions with the bus operator, Council is proposing to implement the following parking regulation restrictions in Chandler Avenue:

  1. Install ‘No Parking, 8am to 9:30am, 2.30pm to 4pm, School Days’ 18m in length along the school frontage.
  2. InstallBus Zone, 8am to 9:30am, 2.30pm to 4pm, School Days’ 20m in length along the school frontage.

Note: ‘No Parking’ rules:

You can stop for less than 2 minutes if you stay within 3m of your vehicle, if you're: dropping off or picking up passengers.

Council invites your comments on the proposal by close of business Friday, 8 March 2024. The results of the consultation will be referred to the Hornsby Local Traffic Committee for consideration and recommendation to Council.

Please mark your submission “Chandler Avenue Cowan - Proposed Parking Restrictions - Reference No F2018/00297” and address it to The General Manager.

Have your say in three ways:

  • completing the form below
  • emailing hsc@hornsby.nsw.gov.au
  • writing to the General Manager, Hornsby Shire Council, PO Box 37, Hornsby 1630.

Exhibition closes: Friday, 8 March 2024.