What's happening
In May 2022 Council approved a development application DA/1017/2021 seeking the demolition of an existing dwelling and the erection of a purpose-built childcare centre at 94 David Road, Castle Hill. The consent has been granted subject to conditions of approval (in part) requiring the proponent to install a pedestrian refuge in David Road near the proposed childcare centre. The pedestrian refuge is to assist pedestrians, to safely cross the road.
NOTICE OF DETERMINATION condition 13 states: 1. Pedestrian Refuge Approvals
a) A pedestrian refuge is to be designed on David Road in the vicinity of the proposed development site in accordance with TfNSW Technical Direction TDT 2011/01a, including all signage associated with the refuge.
Key features of the proposal are:
- Installation of two concrete islands in David Road near No 94 to form a pedestrian refuge
- Reconstruction of adjoining path and kerb ramps
- Installation of ‘No Stopping’ restrictions to ensure visibility between pedestrians and vehicles at the refuge location. Note that approximately 5 on-street parking spaces will be removed
- Installation of warning signs and delineation of roadway.
A plan of the proposed pedestrian refuge is attached.
Council invites your comments on the proposal by close of business Monday 3 July 2023. The results of the consultation will be referred to the Hornsby Local Traffic Committee for consideration and recommendation to Council.
Please mark your submission “Proposed Pedestrian Refuge - David Road, Castle Hill -Reference No F2005/00058”.
Have your say in three ways:
- completing the form below
- emailing hsc@hornsby.nsw.gov.au
- writing to the General Manager, Hornsby Shire Council, PO Box 37, Hornsby 1630.
Exhibition closes: Monday, 3 July 2023.