• Update

    The changes to parking in Dural Street Car Park have been approved by the Local Traffic Committee.

    Construction of the Electric Vehicle Charging Station by Evie Networks will commence from 4 December 2023.

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The Australian electric vehicle (EV) industry is in the early stages of development. In cities and regional centres, charging blackspots (areas that do not have convenient access to public fast-charging stations) are an issue. Expanding the charging network will reduce barriers to uptake and support the growing number of Australian businesses and individuals that want to purchase an EV.

Evie Networks are an EV charge point operator and are building a network of 100% green energy fast chargers to help facilitate the transition to a zero-emission transport sector.

Under the Hornsby Shire Council Climate Wise Hornsby Plan, Council adopted a Net Zero by 2050 target in 2021 and is committed to reducing its corporate carbon emissions and assisting our community to reduce theirs.

Council subsequently adopted an EV Charging Stations on Public Land Policy to help guide Council’s decision making.


With support from the Commonwealth Government’s Australian Renewable Energy Agency under the Future Fuels Program, Evie Networks is proposing to install Electric Vehicle chargers in the Hornsby area to provide charging opportunities for local residents and visitors.

Evie proposes to install 2 x 50kW fast chargers at the Dural Street Council car park. The proposal is depicted in the images shown.

Key points about the proposal:

  • The chargers will be accessible to all EV drivers and will host CCS2 and CHAdeMO plugs.
  • 3 x 2P car park spaces will be converted to Electric Vehicle Charging Only for 2 x electric vehicles. The 2P parking restriction will remain. The electric vehicle charging only parking restrictions will be enforceable.
  • Evie Networks chargers use 100% Green Power.
  • The chargers will be operated and maintained by Evie Networks by Evie’s dedicated operations team.
  • The cost of charging sessions will be based on kWh consumed.

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Exhibition closes: Friday, 3 February 2023.