This project is now complete.
What's happening
Council is writing to you about a proposal to improve set-down and pick-up opportunities in Beecroft. Council wants to get the balance right and would like your feedback.
As the population of Hornsby Shire increases, changes to parking management in local streets are required to ensure adequate levels of short-term parking is maintained.
To improve drop-off and pick-up opportunities near Beecroft Station, Council is proposing to change the existing ‘Taxi Zone’ in Hannah Street to ‘No Parking - Taxis Excepted’. This change of signage will have no operational impact on the use of the zones by taxis but enable all drivers to drop-off and pick-up passengers in this area.
A plan of the proposal can be found in the document library.
Council invites your comments on the proposal by close of business Thursday, 14 December 2023. The results of the consultation will be referred to the Hornsby Local Traffic Committee for consideration and recommendation to Council.
Please mark your submission “Proposed Changes to Parking Restrictions - Hannah Street, Beecroft - Reference No F2005/00165”
Have your say in three ways:
- completing the form below
- emailing
- writing to the General Manager, Hornsby Shire Council, PO Box 37, Hornsby 1630.
Exhibition closes: close of business Thursday, 14 December 2023.