What's happening?

A Development Application (DA) has been lodged with Hornsby Shire Council for a public boardwalk and shared pathway between Kangaroo Point (near the Hawkesbury River road bridge) and Brooklyn Road, Brooklyn.

The proposal is designated development and the consent authority is The Hornsby Local Planning Panel.

The subject land includes Lot 101 DP 1223533, Lot 100 DP 865249, Lot 7 DP 740853, Council road reserve and unallocated Crown Land, Brooklyn.

The proposal is designated development and the consent authority is The Hornsby Local Planning Panel.

The applicant is Hornsby Shire Council and the proposal is considered to be integrated development under Fisheries Management Act 1994 (Section 201, 205, 219) and Water Management Act 2000 (Section 91).

Exhibition closes: Friday, 15 July 2022

Make a submission

Submissions may be made in regards to the proposed development application by clicking the DA/585/2022 button on the right.

Submissions must be restricted to the subject development application, and not contain any defamatory statements or personal information. If you wish to object to the proposal, specific grounds must be given. All submissions made within the specified period will be fully considered by the consent authority prior to the determination of the application.

Information provided to Council in correspondence, submissions or requests (electronic or written), including personal information such as your name and address, may be made publicly available, including via Council website, in accordance with the Government Information (Public Access) Act (GIPA Act) 2009. Council reserves the right to reproduce in whole or in part any correspondence or submission.

Please also note that under the Environmental Planning Assessment Act 1979, a person who makes a public submission to Council in relation to a development application is required to disclose the following reportable political donations and gifts (if any) made by the person making the submission or any associate of that person within the period commencing 2 years before the submission is made and ending when the application is determined:

(a) all reportable political donations made to any councillor

(b) all gifts made to any councillor, candidate or employee.

In the event that this designated development application is approved, any person who has made an objection and is dissatisfied with the determination of the Hornsby Local Planning Panel to grant development consent, may appeal to the Land and Environment Court. If the Independent Planning Commission holds a public hearing in regards to the proposed development, the Commissioner’s determination of the application is final and not subject to appeal.

Determination of the development application will be made on Council’s website.