The 7 City View Road Planning Proposal and Planning Agreement has been completed.

The Hornsby Local Environmental Plan 2013 (Amendment No. 14) has been finalised and published on the NSW Government's Legislation website on 12 April 2024. The associated Planning Agreement, published on Council's website, has also been finalised and entered into on 22 January 2024.

Council exhibited proposed changes to the Hornsby Local Environmental Plan 2013 (Hornsby LEP) to facilitate a mixed-use development at 7 City View Road, Pennant Hills as well as an associated draft planning agreement.

The Planning Proposal seeks a site-specific provision under Part 6 of the Hornsby LEP. The provision would allow for a future development application with residential flat building and seniors housing land uses and an increased floor area, if a certain amount of commercial land uses are also delivered. The existing land use zone and height controls for the site are not proposed to change.

A draft planning agreement relating to the planning proposal was also exhibited. This is a proposed legal agreement between the Council and the landowner. If finalised, it would require a developer to provide the following community benefits with a future development:

  • Four apartments, dedicated to Council, for the purposes of affordable housing
  • Monetary contribution of $450,000 for Pennant Hills Town Centre improvements
  • A new access through the site from City View Road to Boundary Road.

Any future development application would be assessed in line with the requirements of the Hornsby LEP and other relevant planning controls. Further consultation would be undertaken as described in Council's Community Engagement Plan.

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