Construction will start shortly.
The Proposal
Council is considering upgrading the existing traffic island in Beechwood Parade (near Purchase Road) to improve safety of pedestrians crossing Beechwood Parade.
Key features of the proposal are:
- Installation of two concrete kerb ramps in Beechwood Parade near the intersection with Purchase Road.
- Re-construction of the existing splitter island on the roundabout to provide two-stage crossing of the road.
- Installation of warning signs and delineation of roadway.
Next Steps
Council invites your comments on the proposal by close of business Tuesday 5 March 2024. The results of the consultation will be referred to the Hornsby Local Traffic Committee for consideration and recommendation to Council.
Please mark your submission “Beechwood Parade, Cherrybrook - Proposed Pedestrian Island - Reference No F2020/00306”.
Have your say in three ways:
- completing the form below
- emailing
- writing to the General Manager, Hornsby Shire Council, PO Box 37, Hornsby 1630.