What's happening
Notice is hereby given that Council proposes to enter into an agreement with Telstra Corporation Limited for the licence of an area of approximately 100m2 for the purpose of existing telecommunication facilities on an existing monopole, for four consecutive five year terms – a period of up to twenty years, at: Lot 7327 DP1165601, Kangaroo Point, Pacific Highway, Brooklyn (Location Plan attached).
Any interested persons may make submissions regarding this proposal, within twenty-eight (28) days of the date of this advertisement, with the Reference: Kangaroo Point – Telstra Licence F2012/00076.
Have your say in three ways:
- completing the form below
- emailing hsc@hornsby.nsw.gov.au
- writing to the General Manager, Hornsby Shire Council, PO Box 37, Hornsby 1630.
Exhibition closes: Monday, 19 June 2023.