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Latest Update

On the 25 November the State Government announced that the Masterplan and rezoning for the Hornsby Transport Orientated Development would come into effect on Wednesday, 27 November 2024. In response to the announcement, Council issued a press release welcoming the plan’s alignment with the vision embodied in Council’s Hornsby Town Centre Masterplan, but calls on the NSW Government for more support in delivering essential infrastructure.

Further information can be found via our : Media Release and link to the TOD - Hornsby state-led rezoning proposal | Planning Portal - Department of Planning and Environment

Hornsby Transport Oriented Development Public Exhibition

In December 2023, the NSW Government announced that it would lead the rezoning of eight precincts near public transportation hubs, including the Hornsby Town Centre.

The NSW Government, through the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, have commenced the public exhibition of the Hornsby Transport Oriented Development (TOD) project. The area to be rezoned aligns with the area of the Hornsby Town Centre Masterplan, adopted by Council at its 8 November 2023 meeting.

The exhibition will run until 5pm, Friday 23 August 2024. The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure has extended the public exhibition period by two weeks, allowing more time to provide your feedback on these draft plans.

The NSW Government has hosted two consultation sessions during the exhibition period:

  • Online information session on Wednesday 17 July 2024, 5.30pm to 6.30pm; and
  • NSW Government staffed in-person information session at the Hornsby RSL on Saturday 20 July 2024, 10am to 4pm.

Read about the Hornsby TOD proposal and view the recording of the community information session here.

View the proposal and supporting documents and make a submission on the NSW Planning Portal

Hornsby Town Centre Masterplan Adopted

At its meeting on 8 November 2023, Council resolved to adopt the Hornsby Town Centre Masterplan. This is the culmination of five years of extensive work undertaken by Council staff to formulate an ambitious vision to transform Hornsby Shire's major town centre.

The Masterplan promote a redefinition of the Town Centre skyline with opportunities for 4,900 new dwellings in slender residential towers, varying in height up to 36 storeys and clustered around the train station and mall and 4,500 new jobs.

Council now invites owner-initiated planning proposals to implement the Masterplan, which would be the subject of separate reports to Council and submission to the Department of Planning and Environment. Any such planning proposals would be publicly exhibited.

To assist the implementation of the Masterplan, Council is preparing additional supporting documentation including a Infrastructure Funding Strategy (including Development Contributions Plan), Public Domain Guidelines, Development Controls, Affordable Housing Scheme and Implementation Plan.

Key Features of the Draft Masterplan

  • 4,900 new homes

    Residential towers

    Affordable housing

    Seniors housing

  • 4,500 new jobs

    Creation of employment opportunities

  • Sustainability

    Low emissions buildings

    63,000m2 of solar panels

    More trees for cooler streets

    Electric vehicle infrastructure

  • New community facility


    Cultural and creative space

  • New public spaces

    Town Square

    Open space park on Burdett Street

    Larger Cenotaph Park

    Plaza in Jersey Street

  • New foot bridge

    Additional pedestrian overpass

    Northern access to station platforms

  • Traffic and transport

    Relocation of bus interchange

    Spilt access to buses

    Road and intersection upgrades

  • Walking and cycling

    Improved walkability

    Cycling links

    Active transport connections

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Phone 02 9847 6666