What's happening?

Council is proposing to improve the safety of pedestrians in Hornsby Town Centre (East). Council wants to get the balance right and would like your feedback.

Council, in partnership with Transport for NSW, has identified Hornsby Town Centre (East) as a location which requires traffic improvements (treatment) to ensure the safety of pedestrians. Transport for NSW has provided funding to Council, to implement the necessary works.

What are 40km/h High Pedestrian Activity Areas (HPAAs)?

These are areas of high pedestrian activity, near shopping strips, railway stations, bus interchanges, beach-sides and services such as medical centres. The maximum speed limit is 40km/h at all times. This different road environment helps to alert drivers to the lower speed limit, and makes them aware of the presence of pedestrians moving about or near the road. It creates a safer road environment for all road users, particularly for pedestrians, cyclists and children. Over the past decade, Council, in partnership with Transport for NSW, has implemented a number of HPAAs throughout Hornsby Shire (Pennant Hills, Waitara, Hornsby West Side).

Why 40km/h speed limit?

Managing speed, in accordance with safe system principles, is a key component in managing pedestrian safety. Research and scientific analysis show that a pedestrian hit by a car travelling at 40km/h has twice the chance of surviving the collision than if the car was travelling at 50km/h. Travelling at speeds higher than 40km/h greatly increases the risk of injury to, and death of, pedestrians.

Pedestrian safety

Hornsby Shire Council and Transport for NSW are strongly focused on pedestrian safety. We recognise that everyone is a pedestrian at some time and should be able to walk safely. 40km/h HPAAs are part of a strategy to reduce the number and severity of crashes. They have been introduced since 1991 as part of Local Area Traffic Management schemes. Changing the way streets are used in town centres improves the quality of life. They become places for people, not just traffic. The treatment has been developed in accordance with Transport for NSW guidelines for HPAAs.

The proposal

The proposed treatment is aimed at improving pedestrian amenity by providing a self-enforcing low speed environment consisting of the following devices:

  • 40km/h High Pedestrian Activity Area (HPAA) in parts of Albert Lane, Albert Street, Burdett Street, Edgeworth David Avenue, Florence Street, Hunter Street, Muriel Lane, Muriel Street, Romsey Street and Thomas Street.
  • Raised pedestrian crossings with landscaped islands in Burdett Street.
  • Raised pedestrian crossings with kerb extensions and landscaping at the intersection of Florence Street with Albert Street.
  • Concrete median traffic island in Albert Street opposite Westfield car park exit to reinforce existing left out only of Westfield Shopping Centre / Florence Street by-pass road. Existing “All Traffic Left” restriction to remain.
  • Painted median island in Albert Street to provide sheltered Entry and Exit Lanes opposite car park entry/exit of Westfield Shopping Centre. No changes to access at the shopping centre driveways.
  • Pedestrian safety fencing in Edgeworth David Avenue from Thomas Street to Romsey Street.
  • Reconstruct pedestrian refuges and kerb ramps to meet Traffic Engineering and Road Safety guidelines at intersection of Florence Street with Muriel Street, and intersection of Burdett Street with Muriel Street.
  • Reconstruct intersection to driveway type entry with paved platform to give priority to pedestrians at intersection of Muriel Lane with Edgeworth David Avenue, intersection of Muriel Lane with Florence Street, intersection of Burdett Street with Albert Lane, and intersection of Burdett Street with Muriel Lane.
  • Associated pavement delineation and traffic signs.
  • Upgrades to street lighting at crossing locations.
  • Landscaping at key locations near new traffic devices

Next steps

Council invites your comments on the proposal by 5:00pm on Sunday 3 November 2024.

The results of the consultation will be referred to the Hornsby Local Traffic Committee for consideration and recommendation to Council.

Please mark your submission “Hornsby Town Centre (East) - Proposed 40km/h High Pedestrian Activity Area (HPAA) - Reference No F2024/00263".

Have Your Say

Have your say in three ways:

  • completing the form below
  • emailing hsc@hornsby.nsw.gov.au
  • writing to the General Manager, Hornsby Shire Council, PO Box 37, Hornsby 1630 marked ‘Hornsby Town Centre (East) - Proposed 40km/h High Pedestrian Activity Area (HPAA) - Reference No F2024/00263'.

Submissions close: Sunday, 3 November 2024 (5pm)