What's happening?
Council has prepared a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) under Part 5 of the EP&A Act, to undertake additional drainage works to the north-east of the Hornsby Quarry void to ensure that stormwater is safely conveyed through the site.
In November 2020, a Development Application (DA) was approved to rehabilitate the existing Hornsby Quarry, involving bulk earthworks and associated civil works, including construction of access tracks, retaining walls, site remediation, tree removal, revegetation work and site rehabilitation.
The vast majority of the proposed additional drainage infrastructure can be installed within the impact area of the existing civil work, covered by the current DA. However, one portion is through land not previously covered by that DA which is therefore covered by this REF. See the blue area in the image to the right.
Council will also be able to complete the works with the inclusion of earthworks to lay the foundation for a future pedestian accessible pathway, key to the future embellishment of Hornsby Park.
The drainage works, designed for a 1 in 100 year event, will involve the addition of a 1350mm trunk drainage line between the east of Old Mans Valley and the newly created basin 2 to the north-east of the quarry void. Work will also include vegetation clearing and protection, installation of concrete stormwater pipes, construction of stormwater pits, rejuvenation of the existing creek line and battering platforms for a future pedestrian access ramp. This will be followed by revegetation works.
Read the Review of Environmental Factors for the Hornsby Park additional drainage.