Heritage Interpretation Strategy

On 8 November 2023, Council at its General Meeting resolved to endorse the Heritage Interpretation Strategy.

The Heritage Interpretation Strategy, prepared by Artefact Heritage, provides a Shire-wide strategic vision for conveying messages about the cultural heritage values of Hornsby Shire to visitors and other audiences through interpretation.

It identifies:

  • The historical context and heritage values of the Shire to contextualise, guide and ground recommendations of the Strategy.
  • A customised framework based on key principles, audience identification, local historical themes, existing interpretive materials and innovative and successful examples that could be effectively adapted to inform and develop the Strategy.
  • A suggested tourism/ travel products and experiences, and destinations with a focus on heritage to inform preparation of a Hornsby Shire Destination Management Plan.
  • An Action Plan to guide implementation of the Strategy.

Most of the initiatives could be managed by Council. Some may be carried out in partnership with local cultural organisations and community groups. The study was undertaken in collaboration with the local community, cultural organisations, Hornsby Council Heritage Advisory Committee (HAC), and the Hornsby Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee (HATSICC) throughout the course of the project.

Key Recommendations

  • Interpretive Design Principles

    Principles to guide development and design of heritage interpretative planning including:

    • First Nations first
    • Connectiveness
    • Adding value
    • Accessibility
    • Significance
    • Storytelling
    • Integration
    • Cohesiveness
    • Consultation
    • Materiality
    • Sustainability
    • Consistent typology
  • Heritage Interpretation Opportunities

    Shire-wide opportunities involving:

    • Council led policies
    • Use of Aboriginal and multicultural language
    • Expanding website content
    • Developing self-guided tours & apps
    • Installation of interpretive media

    Heritage destination opportunities to tell engaging stories about our local heritage and history

  • Destination Management Plan Input

    Cultural heritage information to assist preparation of a future Hornsby Shire Destination Management Plan

  • Action Plan

    An action plan to guide implementation of the interpretive and storytelling opportunities and highlighting the resources required to deliver the suggested initiatives

Summary of changes made to the draft Heritage Interpretation Strategy

The draft Heritage Interpretation Strategy was exhibited for 6 weeks from 23 June 2023 to 4 August 2023. All submissions received during the exhibition were supportive and included some suggestions for amendments. In response to the suggestions in submissions, the draft Strategy was amended to update and improve the accuracy of information provided in certain sections of the report. This included additional examples of interpretation approaches and minor amendments to certain references and formatting.

Feedback Form - closed

The draft Heritage Interpretation Strategy was exhibited for 6 weeks (from 23 June to 4 August) for the community to provide feedback on the draft heritage interpretation principles, opportunities, heritage destinations and the proposed Action Plan.

The draft Heritage Interpretation Strategy was made available to be viewed at:

  • Council’s Libraries (during normal opening hours)
  • Council Chambers, 296 Peats Ferry Road, Hornsby (Monday-Friday, 8.30am-5pm)

Submissions on the draft Heritage Interpretation Strategy were received by:

  • completing the online feedback form
  • emailing hsc@hornsby.nsw.gov.au with the subject ‘draft Heritage Interpretation Strategy’
  • writing to the General Manager, Hornsby Shire Council, PO Box 37, Hornsby 1630.

Submissions now closed.


In 2018, Council committed to undertake a Comprehensive Heritage Study to respond to the changing development context, demography and community expectations regarding the identification, policy and protection of Hornsby Shire’s heritage. The Comprehensive Heritage Study commenced in October 2020 and involves numerous projects which are being undertaken over several years.

The Hornsby Thematic History (GML, 2021) was endorsed by Council in October 2021. The Aboriginal Heritage Study (Coast History & Heritage, 2023) was endorsed by Council in June 2024. Several other projects are underway.

To learn more about the Comprehensive Heritage Study program, please visit Council's website via the links below.