Have your say and register for a focus group in August

Hornsby Shire boasts incredible built, natural, archaeological, landscape and Aboriginal heritage, which makes the Shire a great place to visit, work and live. Protecting and celebrating our local heritage is one of Council's core responsibilities.

We are creating a plan and seeking your advice on how to support greater community involvement in safeguarding and promoting Hornsby Shire’s heritage. A Heritage Community Engagement Strategic Action Plan is being developed with the assistance of an expert team from the University of Newcastle Institute for Regional Futures.

Wallaroba, Hornsby

Wallarobba and Willow Park (Heritage Item no. 477)

  • How

    We are holding three (3) focus groups with the local community in August to hear first-hand about the opportunities you see to protect, promote and grow Hornsby Shires's unique heritage.

  • Who

    You don’t need to be knowledgeable about heritage, Hornsby Shire’s heritage plans or assets to participate in a focus group. You simply need to be a resident aged 18 years and over, interested in knowing more about heritage and seeing Hornsby’s valued heritage preserved for future generations.

  • Where and when

    The community focus groups will run for about 90 minutes on the following dates and times:

    • Saturday 10 August 2024 10am - 11.30am - Beecroft Community Centre
    • Thursday 22 August 2024 2:30pm - 4pm - Berowra Community Centre
    • Thursday 22 August 2024 6pm - 7.30pm - Hornsby Library
  • Register

    Click below to register to attend a focus group.

    Registrations closed 5pm on Wednesday 14 August 2024.

We will also be consulting with the Shire’s First Nations peoples, as well as heritage groups and organisations, to understand their views.