
Submissions accepted after the exhibition closes

29 March 2023

We will close the Public Exhibition of the Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan (FRMSP) on 31 March 2023 as advertised but will continue to accept submissions after that date. Every submission will be registered, and the matters raised will be considered.

We are currently seeking an opportunity to express our community’s concerns with the Department of Planning and Environment and have them addressed as part of the review of the Floodplain Risk Manual. Additionally, we are discussing this topic with other councils, many of whom we understand are experiencing similar challenges with the current requirements.

Then we will resume our engagement with the community on this project.

No final decisions will be made before Council reopens the exhibition. We will ensure that there is adequate time for anybody to make a submission at that time.

We acknowledge your concerns on this topic, and we are making every effort to address the issues raised.