Thank you
We are committed to becoming a more engaging Council, with open and transparent consultation with our community.
As part of that commitment, a year ago we launched Your Say Hornsby on this new platform – a dedicated space for engagement, making it easier for you to see all the information on a project, read the associated documents and then comment or make a submission, all in one place.
Delivering better engagement
By having a one-stop shop for online engagement, we are making it even easier for you to provide feedback on the projects that matter to you.
In its first year, there were 67 projects open for comment. The website received more than 117,000 views since launching in July 2022, and 5,390 submissions and registrations to attend public consultation events. This is a significant increase from an average of 30,000 page views per annum over the previous four years on Council’s former Have Your Say web pages.
However, we know there is room for further improvement. We need your help in encouraging more people to join the conversation and participate in the projects that Council undertakes on your behalf.

How to get involved
If you haven't already, join others and get involved in three easy ways:
- Sign up to receive a weekly newsletter with all the projects that are open on exhibition or seeking comment.
- Sign up to Your Say Hornsby by clicking here or the Log In/Join button on the top right of this page. By entering your categories or locations of interest, you will receive notification of all projects relevant to your interests.
- Follow a project that you are interested in by clicking + Follow under the title of the project. You will be notified when there is any news on that project.