Delivery Plan and Operational Plan adopted

Thank you for your participation.

A total of ninety submissions were received during the public exhibition of the documents between 11 April and 13 May 2024.

All the submissions were reviewed and the documents adopted at the Council Meeting on 12 June 2024.

View the Council Business Paper (Item 2) - 12 June 2024

View the Council Minutes

Look what's planned

The Delivery Program and Operational Plan is Council’s response to Hornsby Shire’s Community Strategic Plan Your vision | Your future 2032. It outlines what Council plans to do over the next few years.

The Delivery Program and Operational Plan details the key initiatives, ongoing activities and capital works projects Council will undertake. It also includes Council’s budget and other financial details including proposed rates and domestic waste management charges for 2024/25. It also shows how Council will measure its progress.

Some of the key initiatives planned for 2024/25 are:

  • Developing an Arts and Cultural Plan
  • Developing a Social Plan
  • Finalising the Hornsby Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
  • Preparing an Urban Unstructured Recreation Strategy
  • Updating vegetation mapping
  • Establishing a place-based framework that progresses Council’s vision for the Hornsby precinct including the town centre and Hornsby Park
  • Developing an Active Transport Plan
  • Preparing a Local Seniors Housing Strategy.

Capital works

Council plans to spend $67 million on capital works in 2024/25.

Major 2024/25 capital works funding includes:

Take a look at the draft Delivery Program and Operational Plan in the Document Library for the list of all proposed capital works for 2024/25.

Draft Fees and Charges 2024/25

The Fees and Charges also form part of the Operational Plan and outline what Council will charge in 2024/25 for the services and facilities it provides.

Take a look at the Draft Fees and Charges 2024/25

Have your say - closed

Read the Draft Delivery Program and Operational Plan and tell us what you think of the key initiatives, ongoing activities and planned capital works.

To understand more about the Plan, use this guide – How to read this document

Have a look at the Draft Fees and Charges 2024/25 and tell us what you think.

Hard copies of both draft documents can also be viewed at Council’s Libraries (during normal opening hours).

Make a submission in one of three ways:

  • Completing the form below
  • Emailing
  • Writing to:
    The General Manager
    Hornsby Shire Council
    PO Box 37
    HORNSBY NSW 1630
    and mark your submission 'Delivery Program'.

All submissions are public documents and will be considered in a report to Council in June 2024.

Submissions open from 11 April to 13 May 2024 (close of business).