Nominations closed

We are establishing an Arts and Cultural Advisory Group to provide strategic advice, feedback, and input during the development of our Art and Cultural Plan which is listed in Council’s 2022/23 Operational Plan as a key initiative.

The Arts and Cultural Advisory group will be established provisionally for two years and will meet at least once per quarter either face to face or online. The first meeting will be convened in February 2023.

The key role of the Advisory Group is to:

  • provide advice and recommendations on the implementation of the Arts and Cultural Plan/Strategy.
  • provide comment on relevant Council policies and strategies
  • provide advice to Council on issues related to arts and culture across Hornsby Shire, including visual arts, performance, literature arts, accessible arts, Aboriginal arts, and overarching events
  • identify community needs and priorities in relation to local arts and culture
  • help develop a strong profile for arts and culture across Hornsby Shire
  • provide advice and input into the delivery of Council’s Community & Cultural Facilities Strategic Plan.

View the Terms of Reference document for more information.

Nominations are open from 10 October to 7 November 2022. Successful nominees will be notified in December 2022.


The Advisory Group will have up to 12 members, including four Councillors and representatives from the following sectors:

  • Visual arts (the Hornsby Art Society)
  • Performing arts
  • Literary arts
  • CALD arts related community
  • Aboriginal arts
  • Accessible arts (Studio Artes)
  • General community

We may at any time issue an invitation to other relevant stakeholders to attend a meeting of the Advisory Group.

Nomination Form

If you would like to nominate to be a member of the Arts and Cultural Advisory Group, please complete the form below with details on your interest in participating and any relevant experience or expertise in Arts and Culture.

Nominations closed Monday 7 November 2022.