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Amendments to the Hornsby DCP for all electric residential buildings were approved by Council on 14 August 2024 and implemented on 26 August 2024. The updated Hornsby DCP can be viewed here.

Extensive research has been conducted on the adverse health implications of indoor gas appliances. In February 2024, Council commissioned a review of the health, environmental, and economic benefits of transitioning away from the use of gas. These findings provide a strong foundation for restricting the use of indoor gas appliances in all new residential buildings.

At its meeting on 10 April 2024, Council considered Director's Report No. PC6/24 to exhibit proposed amendments to the Hornsby DCP for all electric residential buildings. These amendments were exhibited from 22 April 2024 to 27 May 2024. On 14 August 2024, Council considered a Report on Submissions (PC16/24), resolving to adopt the proposed amendments into the Hornsby DCP.

The new Hornsby DCP controls prohibit indoor gas in any new residential development, requiring all indoor cooktops, ovens, and heaters to be electric and clearly marked on architectural plans. These amendments only apply to cooking and heating inside new residential buildings, and do not apply to commercial, industrial, or outdoor cooking and heating.

You can view the changes and Council's consideration of submissions in the Supporting Documents section on this page.

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