Aboriginal Heritage Study

On 12 June 2024, Council at its General Meeting resolved to endorse the Aboriginal Heritage Study and Implementation Action Plan.

The Aboriginal Heritage Study is a Shire-wide analysis of the known Aboriginal history and cultural heritage values of Hornsby Shire (as recorded in 2023) with recommendations to improve consultation and collaboration with local Aboriginal people and Council’s Aboriginal heritage management procedures.

It provides:

  • New analysis of places and types of Aboriginal heritage significance in Hornsby Shire.
  • An improved understanding of Aboriginal cultural heritage values.
  • A streamlined processes for ongoing consultation and collaboration with local Aboriginal people under a new Aboriginal heritage management system.
  • An explanation of the current legal and policy requirements relating to Aboriginal heritage assessment for proposed developments.
  • Recommended actions and procedures to improve data management, provide education and training, protect Aboriginal heritage during strategic land use planning and asset management, and facilitate future amendments to the new Aboriginal Heritage Management System.

The Implementation Action Plan provides a guide for Council to implement the new Aboriginal heritage management strategy and supporting measures when resources, opportunities, and funding permit to ensure Aboriginal heritage in the Shire is protected, understood and celebrated when resources, opportunities, and funding permit.

The study was undertaken in consultation and collaboration with the local Aboriginal community in accordance with an approved strategy which recognised the key Aboriginal community groups to include HATSICC, Darug and GuriNgai Traditional Custodians, Aboriginal people with historical connections to Hornsby Shire, and the Metropolitan, Darkinjung, and Deerubbin Local Aboriginal Land Councils.

Key Recommendations

  • New DCP Policies

    Include new policies within the Hornsby DCP to outline the:

    • Legal protections afforded to Aboriginal heritage in NSW
    • Aboriginal heritage management requirements specified by Heritage NSW
    • Aboriginal heritage management requirements for heritage items listed in the Hornsby LEP with Aboriginal heritage values
  • Development Application Submission Guidelines

    Encourage development applicants to follow the Heritage NSW policies, procedures and guidelines relating to Aboriginal heritage assessments

  • Aboriginal Heritage Due Diligence & Assessments

    Follow Aboriginal heritage due diligence requirements for Council led activities and evaluate assessments submitted with development applications

  • Access to Information

    Enable relevant Council staff access Aboriginal heritage guidelines and information

    Add information to Section 10.7 planning certificates and Council’s website page about Aboriginal heritage requirements and Heritage NSW guidelines

  • Unregistered Sites

    Council to register previously unregistered sites and site updates found by staff or within the planning or undertaking of Council led activities

  • Education and Training

    Develop and deliver a training program about Aboriginal heritage management procedures to all relevant staff

  • Aboriginal Places

    Update the heritage inventory sheets of 14 heritage listed items and archaeological sites to include Aboriginal heritage values. 10 Council owned and managed properties, 4 privately owned properties

  • Further Research

    Commence a new project to develop an Aboriginal heritage sensitivity map to refine the new heritage management system

  • Implementation Action Plan

    A schedule to implement a new Aboriginal heritage management strategy and supporting measures in order of priority for when resources, opportunities, and funding permit.

Summary of changes made to the draft Aboriginal Heritage Study

The draft Aboriginal Heritage Study was exhibited for 6 weeks from 23 June 2023 to 4 August 2023. Most submissions received during the exhibition were supportive of the draft Study and its recommended management system. Some submissions suggest amendments, further research and additional information. In response to the suggestions in submissions, the draft Study was amended to update and improve the information provided in certain sections of the report. A change was also made to the Study recommendations in the accompanying Implementation Action Plan in response to the matters raised.

Feedback Form - closed

The draft Aboriginal Heritage Study was exhibited for 6 weeks (from 23 June to 4 August) for the community to provide feedback on the on Aboriginal heritage research, results and recommendations within the draft study.

The draft Aboriginal Heritage Study was made available to be viewed at:

  • Council’s Libraries (during normal opening hours)
  • Council Chambers, 296 Peats Ferry Road, Hornsby (Monday-Friday, 8.30am-5pm)

Submissions on the draft Aboriginal Heritage Study were received by:

  • completing the online feedback form
  • emailing hsc@hornsby.nsw.gov.au with the subject ‘draft Heritage Interpretation Strategy’
  • writing to the General Manager, Hornsby Shire Council, PO Box 37, Hornsby 1630.

Submissions now closed.


In 2018, Council committed to undertake a Comprehensive Heritage Study to respond to the changing development context, demography and community expectations regarding the identification, policy and protection of Hornsby Shire’s heritage. The Comprehensive Heritage Study program commenced in October 2020 and involves numerous projects which are being undertaken over several years.

The Hornsby Thematic History (GML, 2021) was endorsed by Council in October 2021. The Heritage Interpretation Strategy (Artefact Heritage, 2023) was endorsed by Council in November 2023. Several other projects are underway.

To learn more about the Comprehensive Heritage Study program, please click on the buttons below.