Hornsby Shire Council is in receipt of a draft Planning Agreement (PA) relating to land at 36-56 David Road, Castle Hill (DA/1022/2021) for the staged subdivision of the land as follows:
- Stage 1: Torrens Title subdivision to create Lot 100 (Marymount Forest Conservation Reserve) and Lot 101 (Balance Land). As part of Stage 1, Lot 100 (Marymount Forest Conservation Reserve) will be transferred to Council.
- Stage 2: Community Title subdivision of Lot 101 (Balance Land) to create 63 residential lots (Lots 2-64) and Mercy Park (Lot 1), with Mercy Park to be maintained by the Community Association; and Lot 65 (Tahlee Park Extension).As part of Stage 2, the roads and infrastructure and Lot 65 (Tahlee Park Extension) will be dedicated to Council.
The draft PA is a proposed legal agreement between the Council and the landowner. The agreement provides for the timely delivery of:
- The creation of Marymount Conservation Reserve to be protected through transfer of ownership to Council at no cost.
- Provision of funding for capital works and ongoing maintenance of the Marymount Conservation Reserve enabling appropriate educational opportunities for the local community through provision of signage and an elevated walkway (to be constructed by the Council) while protecting Marymount Conservation Reserve trees and understorey.
- Dedicating land as public reserve to increase the size of the existing Tahlee Park by 3315sqm.
- Provision of an accessible pathway within Council’s existing Tahlee Park connecting to the Tahlee Park Extension, to enable universal access.
- Widening of David Road and installation of pedestrian refuge improving pedestrian access and safety for the local community.
- Creation of pedestrian and cycle linkages to and from the subdivision for the local community.
Public Exhibition Period: Wednesday 26 June 2024 - Wednesday 24 July 2024
Submission Close: 4.30pm, Wednesday 24 July 2024.